Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

Located in Downtown Roanoke, the Virginia Room holds the public library's non-circulating historical and genealogical research resources.  We are commited to collecting, preserving, interpreting and making available materials related to the Roanoke Valley, the Commonwealth of Virginia and to a lesser degree, materials of states closely tied to Virginia and its people by birth, immigration, migration or by boundary divisions.  We are dedicated to connecting people with the information they seek.

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BH 1309


Black and white streetscape featuring new First Baptist in the foreground and old First Baptist in the background. Front: "BH".

BH 1308


Black and white streetscape of Henry Street in Roanoke.

BH 1289


Candid image of a crowd in front of the boarded up Palace Hotel with a banner reading 'Henry Street Heritage Festival'.


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