Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

The Cardinal

Dublin Core


The Cardinal


James Monroe Junior High School


James Monroe Junior High School was contstructed in 1948, with a new addition added in 1960. In the early 1970s, Monroe was converted into an elementary school, Northwest Elementary. In 1990, the name was changed to Roanoke Academy of Math and Science. The building was razed and is now Kennedy Park after a new Roanoke Academy of Math and Science was built in 2005.


James Monroe Junior High School


Roanoke Public Libraries





Collection Items

Cardinal 1950
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1951
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1952
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1953
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1955
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1956
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1957
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1958
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1960
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1961
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1962
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1963
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1964
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1965
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1966
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1967
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1968
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1969
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1971
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1972
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1973
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.

Cardinal 1970
The Cardinal was the annual for James Monroe Junior High School.
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