A Guide to the Katherine B. Murphy Garden Clubs Collection
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A Guide to the Katherine B. Murphy Garden Clubs Collection
This collection of material was amassed by Katherine Brooks Murphy (Mrs. John M. Murphy) during the 1960s and early 1970s in her work as an officer in three organizations: the Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs, the Blue Ridge District of the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs, and the South Roanoke Garden Club. She served on the board of directors and as treasurer and finance committee chair for the Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs, 1964-67, and then remained on the board of directors through 1971. Katherine Murphy was Director and Treasurer for the Blue Ridge District from 1967-69. She was the South Roanoke Garden Club representative to the Roanoke Council 1975-76. Documents cover the period of time when the Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs purchased and made upgrades to their Garden Center at “Fairview,” 2713 Avenham Ave. SW, Roanoke.
The collection includes the documents that Katherine Murphy amassed in her role as treasurer and board member of the Roanoke Council and Blue Ridge District of the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs, and through her membership in the South Roanoke Garden Club. Items date from the early 1960s through the mid-1970s. The collection includes constitution and by-laws for the Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs, lists of officers and member clubs, presidents’ reports, financial reports, and minutes of meetings of the board of directors (1964-70), executive board (1965-71), and regular meetings (1965-71). It also includes documents related to the purchase and improvement of the Garden Center at “Fairview,” 2713 Avenham Ave. SW, Roanoke. Other items provide details on the financial aspects of the 1969 Color & Fashion for Living show. Various documents related to other activities of the garden clubs are also included.
The collection includes the documents that Katherine Murphy amassed in her role as treasurer and board member of the Roanoke Council and Blue Ridge District of the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs, and through her membership in the South Roanoke Garden Club. Items date from the early 1960s through the mid-1970s. The collection includes constitution and by-laws for the Roanoke Council of Garden Clubs, lists of officers and member clubs, presidents’ reports, financial reports, and minutes of meetings of the board of directors (1964-70), executive board (1965-71), and regular meetings (1965-71). It also includes documents related to the purchase and improvement of the Garden Center at “Fairview,” 2713 Avenham Ave. SW, Roanoke. Other items provide details on the financial aspects of the 1969 Color & Fashion for Living show. Various documents related to other activities of the garden clubs are also included.
Katherine Brooks Murphy
Roanoke Public Libraries
No known restrictions. Virginia Room copy fees apply.
Katherine Brooks Murphy, “A Guide to the Katherine B. Murphy Garden Clubs Collection,” Virginia Room Digital Collection, accessed March 29, 2025, http://www.virginiaroom.org/digital/document/MurphyGardenClub.