A Guide to the Williamson Road Woman's Club Collection
Dublin Core
A Guide to the Williamson Road Woman's Club Collection
The collection consists of one record storage box and three flat storage boxes. It is located in the Special Collections of the Virginia Room.
The collection includes club-related documents from its founding in 1952 through its dissolution in 2005. It consists primarily of the Williamson Road Woman’s Club historian’s scrapbooks from the 1950s, 1960s, and 1990s, and information collected by club officers in the 1980s and 2000s, received in binders and folders. Club Yearbooks are included for most years from 1952-53 through 1975-76; each of these includes a brief summary of the club’s activities of the prior year and a listing of officers and members. Aside from those reports, there is little coverage of the 1970s or the early 1980s.
Scrapbooks include newspaper clippings about the club and its activities, documents related to club activities, correspondence received by the club, and photographs of club members and activities. Later scrapbooks included obituaries and funeral programs for former members of the organization.
Scrapbooks from the 1950s and 1960s are in very fragile condition. One scrapbook that contained copies of the annual yearbooks was disassembled; its covers with writing were copied and retained, and the yearbooks and two photos from the scrapbook placed in file folders. For the remainder of these scrapbooks, all pages were scanned to digital format. Photographs were removed from the albums and placed in file folders. The scrapbooks have been retained in storage boxes, but researchers should primarily consult the digital versions of these items.
Material from three-ring binders and “magnetic” photo albums from the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s was removed and placed in file folders. When arrangement on a page with identifying information was important, a photocopy was made of the page and included in the file. Newspaper clippings were replaced by photocopies of the clippings. Items were kept together in the order they were removed from the binders or albums, which was generally chronological, though photographs were assembled in photo storage pages and placed at the end of the file.
The collection includes club-related documents from its founding in 1952 through its dissolution in 2005. It consists primarily of the Williamson Road Woman’s Club historian’s scrapbooks from the 1950s, 1960s, and 1990s, and information collected by club officers in the 1980s and 2000s, received in binders and folders. Club Yearbooks are included for most years from 1952-53 through 1975-76; each of these includes a brief summary of the club’s activities of the prior year and a listing of officers and members. Aside from those reports, there is little coverage of the 1970s or the early 1980s.
Scrapbooks include newspaper clippings about the club and its activities, documents related to club activities, correspondence received by the club, and photographs of club members and activities. Later scrapbooks included obituaries and funeral programs for former members of the organization.
Scrapbooks from the 1950s and 1960s are in very fragile condition. One scrapbook that contained copies of the annual yearbooks was disassembled; its covers with writing were copied and retained, and the yearbooks and two photos from the scrapbook placed in file folders. For the remainder of these scrapbooks, all pages were scanned to digital format. Photographs were removed from the albums and placed in file folders. The scrapbooks have been retained in storage boxes, but researchers should primarily consult the digital versions of these items.
Material from three-ring binders and “magnetic” photo albums from the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s was removed and placed in file folders. When arrangement on a page with identifying information was important, a photocopy was made of the page and included in the file. Newspaper clippings were replaced by photocopies of the clippings. Items were kept together in the order they were removed from the binders or albums, which was generally chronological, though photographs were assembled in photo storage pages and placed at the end of the file.
Williamson Road Woman's Club
Roanoke Public Libraries
No known restrictions. Virginia Room copy fees apply
Williamson Road Woman's Club, “A Guide to the Williamson Road Woman's Club Collection,” Virginia Room Digital Collection, accessed March 6, 2025, http://www.virginiaroom.org/digital/document/WRWomansClub.
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