Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

Browse Items (19 total)

PC 99.91 Virginia Heights Baptist.jpg
"Virginia Heights Baptist Church, Roanoke, Virginia."

Davis 21.543 Virginia Heights Baptist.jpg
Virginia Heights Baptist Church, located at 2014 Memorial Avenue SW.

Davis 21.54a Virginia Heights Baptist.jpg
The first sanctuary of Virginia Heights Baptist Church, located at 2014 Memorial Avenue SW.

Davis 21.542 Virginia Heights Baptist.jpg
Interior view of the current sanctuary of Virginia Heights Baptist Church, located at 2014 Memorial Avenue SW.

Davis 21.545 Virginia Heights Baptist.jpg
Interior view of the current sanctuary of Virginia Heights Baptist Church, located at 2014 Memorial Avenue SW.

PC 99.9 Virginia Heights Baptist.jpg
"Virginia Heights Baptist Church, organized 1919. Educational building erected 1922; The auditorium of Colonial design throughout, with complete cooling system, was erected in 1938. Located in the Magic City of Roanoke, Virginia, the gateway to…

Original A-frame chapel of Virginia Heights Baptist Church is being moved to make way for the construction of brick sanctuary.

The original A-frame chapel of Virginia Heights Baptist Church is being moved to make way for the construction of a new sanctuary.

Wooden chapel of Virginia Heights Baptist Church on what is now the 2000 block of Memorial Avenue, SW (then Virginia Avenue) near the intersection with Grandin Road.

Interior of the original wooden chapel of Virginia Heights Baptist Church.

Laying of the cornerstone for the new sanctuary of Virginia Heights Baptist Church.

The new sanctuary of Virginia Heights Baptist Church under construction on Memorial Avenue (then Virginia Avenue).

Looking west on Memorial Avenue (then Virginia Avenue) from Grandin Road at the original A-frame chapel of Virginia Heights Baptist Church (foreground) and construction of new brick sanctuary.

Attendees at the last worship service in the wooden A-frame chapel of Virginia Heights Baptist Church before moving worship to the new brick sanctuary.

RC2 Virginia Heights Baptist.jpg
Chapel and first sanctuary of Virginia Heights Baptist Church.

RC5 VHBC Sunday School.jpg
Parishioners in front of chapel of Virginia Heights Baptist Church.

RC7 VHBC Parishioners.jpg
Parishioners in front of chapel of Virginia Heights Baptist Church.
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