Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

Browse Items (11 total)

Roanoke City Police Department on the steps of the municipal building.

Davis 56.74 1947 Roanoke Police Department.jpg
Roanoke Police Force on the steps of the Municipal Building.

Davis 56.9 Roanoke Police Department.jpg
Roanoke Police Department group photo taken in front of the original courthouse and jail on Campbell Avenue.

FE205 Police Switchboard.jpg
Switchboard at Police headquarters. Sargeant Dick Arnold uses the phone as motorcycle officer John Lemon looks on.

FE250 Police Car.jpg
Parked in front of the city jail, is this blue and white, fifty horsepower Cadillac patrol wagon. It could carry as many as eight prisoners in its enclosed compartment, while the policeman had to ride exposed to the elements.

W.J. Rigney was Chief of Police for the City of Roanoke from 1919 through 1928. Rigney had been appointed Chief to fill the vacancy caused by the death of former Chief A.H. Griffin.

Chief of Police W. J. Rigney (front passenger) with other unidentified police officers.

Roanoke City Police Department, 3rd Platoon.

MP 35.0 Police Inspection.jpg
Roanoke Police inspection at Maher Field.

MP 57.0 Roanoke Police Department.jpg
Roanoke Police Department in front of the Municipal Building.
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