Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

Browse Items (11 total)

FE044 Civil War Veterans.jpg
Civil War veterans reunion at Hotel Roanoke.

Davis 91.1j Confederate Tunnels.jpg
The discovery of the Confederate Tunnels came as a result of a boy chasing a rabbit into this hole. The tunnels were finally discovered after 60 years.

Davis 91.1i The Crater.jpg
The Crater as seen from Union lines.

Davis 91.1h Confederate Breastworks.jpg
Confederate breastworks near Pine Gardens.

Davis 91.1g Woodpile at Pine Gardens.jpg
This pile of lumber was the lining placed in the Confederate tunnels at Pine Garden

Davis 91.1f Entrance to Tunnel.jpg
The marker in the right foreground indicates the entrance to the Union tunnel located at the crater.

Davis 91.1e Fort Mahone Monument.jpg
This monument was erected on the spot where Fort Mahone, known as Fort Damnation by the Union, once stood. It was erected by the State of Pennsylvania in honor of the soldiers who served in the Third Division, 9th Corps, Army of the Potomac.

Davis 8.21 Pearisburg.jpg
Former medical office of Dr. Harvey Green Johnston. Local tradition holds that it was Rutherford B. Hayes' headquarters while Federal troops accupied Pearisburg during the Civil War. The building is part of Giles County HIstorical Society's museum…

Davis 91.1c Union Tunnel.jpg
A view of the interior of the Union tunnel beneath the Crater, constructed by the 48th Pennsylvania Regiment under Colonel Pleasants. It was here that a four ton charge of powder was placed and exploded between Elliot's Salient.

Davis 91.1a The Crater.jpg
The Crater is the scene of the Battle of the Crater that occurred on 30 July 1864 as part of the Siege on Petersburg. Pennsylvania miners dug a 511 foot tunnel and placed a four ton charge of powder under Pegram's Confederate battery. The explosion…

Charcoal drawing of Elmore Martin. Martin served with the 28th Virginia Infantry, CSA. He died in the war.
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