Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

Browse Items (4 total)

RAC7 Lemon, Clayton.jpg
This image shows Clayton Lemon standing in front of the hangar that housed his company, Virginia Airmotive, at the time. Lemon was one of the first pilots in Roanoke to fully understand the "business" of aviation and had a long career at Woodrum…

IRB28 Hangar 1.jpg
This is a one story building of cinder block construction, all metal roof, concrete floor, electric lighting and steam heat. Occupancy: airplane hangar, with woodworking, machine shop and spray. Valuation: The sound value of this building is…

Davis 62.124 Biplane.jpg
Clayton Lemon (left) and an unidentified man stand next to a Waco aircraft.

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