Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

Browse Items (4 total)

RNC 101 Jefferson Street.jpg
Home formerly located at 815 S. Jefferson Street.

Davis 14.7 Community Hospital.jpg
Aerial view of Community Hospital. Orchard Hill is in the background.

Davis 1.14 Mill Mountain.jpg
Looking southeast toward Mill Mountain from just across Day Avenue between 1st Street and Jefferson Street. The large multi-story building left of center was Jefferson Apartments. Nearly all of the buildings seen in the foreground have been razed.

CPC 1 Goodwin Home.tif
Rose arbor on the porch of the Thompson Goodwin home, once located in Orchard Hill. Orchard Hill, also known as "Official Hill" was located in the area where Community Hospital stands today.
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