Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

Browse Items (4 total)

IRB45 Fire Station 9.jpg
This is a two story and part basement brick building of semi-fire resistive construction with composition roof on a concrete slab; Plastered interior finish with exception of basement which is open; concrete basement, terrazzo first floor, wood…

RAC29 Horton Field.jpg
This 1937 aerial photograph shows the location of Horton Field, which was on the Horton Farm near the present-day intersection of 24th Street and Melrose Avenue. It is believed that the first plane to land at Horton Field in 1919 was a barnstormer…

Davis GL 11 Staunton Avenue.jpg
View of Staunton Avenue near 24th Street.

Davis 65.7 Fire Station #9.jpg
Fire Station #9 opened on 2 October 1929. It is located at 514 24th Street.
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