Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

Browse Items (6 total)

Davis 14.9 Coyner Springs.jpg
Front view of center section, showing entrance and offices on lower floor and nurses' quarters on second floor of Coyner Springs Sanatorium.

Davis 14.91 Coyner Springs.jpg
View of front of Coyner Springs Sanatorium, built in 1939 as a tuberculosis sanatorium on the former grounds of Coyner Springs Resort.

Davis 14.92 Coyner Springs.jpg
Side view of Coyner Springs Sanatorium showing courtyard and "colored" entrance.

Davis 14.94 Coyner Springs.jpg
View of main corridor on lower floor of Coyner Springs Sanatorium.

Davis 14.95 Coyner Springs.jpg
A partial view of one of the wards in Coyner Springs Sanatorium.
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