Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

Browse Items (10 total)

MP 8.0 Andrews-Pitzer-Butler.jpg
Drivers of Andrews-Pitzer-Butler Fuel Oil Corporation pose next to their trucks in Highland Park.

CPC 65 Highland Park.jpg
Looking south from Highland Park.

Underwood 16 Highland Park School.jpg
Aerial view of Highland Park Elementary School, known as Park Street School at the time of this photo.

Davis GL 9 Scene in Highland Park.jpg
Scene in Highland Park.

Davis GL 44 Highland Park.jpg
Recreation in Highland Park

Davis 34.1-3 Easter Sunrise Service.jpg
Easter Sunrise Service held in Highland Park under the auspices of the Altrusa Club of Roanoke.

Davis 34.1-2  Easter Sunrise Service.jpg
Easter Sunrise Service held in Highland Park under the auspices of the Altrusa Club of Roanoke.

Davis 34.1-1 Easter Sunrise Service.jpg
Easter Sunrise Service held in Highland Park under the auspices of the Altrusa Club of Roanoke.

IRB53 Bandstand .jpg
A one storage octagonal shaped open pavilion with wood shingle roof, wood floors. Valuation: The sound value of this building is approximately $500.

IRB52 Gish House .jpg
A two story frame clapboard building with composition shingle roof, wood floors with exception of basement which is concrete, plastered interior finish with exception of basement which is open finish, one stairs basement to first floor and one stairs…
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