Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

Browse Items (18 total)

RNC 63 Commerce Street School Site.jpg
A nearly gone Commerce Street or First Ward School. The school stood at Church Avenue and 2nd Street and was razed to make way for the post office.

RNC 52 Church Avenue.jpg
Commerce Street School being razed to make room for the post office. Greene Memorial United Methodist Church can be seen in background.

PS 142.0 Greene Memorial Choir.jpg
Group photograph of Greene Memorial United Methodist Chuch choir.

PS 108 Last Supper.jpg
Reenactment of the Last Supper at Greene Memorial United Methodist Church.

PS 102 Greene Memorial Choir.jpg
Greene Memorial United Methodist Church junior choir.

PC 99.64 Greene Memorial United Methodist.jpg
"Greene Memorial M.E. Church, Roanoke, Virginia."

PC 99.63 Greene Memorial United Methodist.jpg
"Greene Memorial Church, Roanoke, Virginia."

PC 99.62 Greene Memorial United Methodist.jpg
"Greene Memorial Methodist Church, Roanoke, Virginia."

PC 99.61 Greene Memorial United Methodist.jpg
"Roanoke's largest methodist church."

FE068 Greene Memorial.jpg
Greene Memorial United Methodist Church at the corner of Church Avenue and 2nd Street. In this photograph, a crowd is gathered to watch as the new La France Fire Engine was hauled to the corner to see if it could throw water as high as the steeple…

Davis GL 13 Church Avenue.jpg
View of Church Avenue looking east from Commerce Street (now 2nd Street). Greene Memorial UMC visible on right, old YMCA visible on left.

Davis 56.813 Greene Memorial Banner Class.jpg
Greene Memorial Methodist Church Banner Class on steps of Post Office.

Davis 28.11 St. Marks Lutheran.jpg
The first St. Marks Lutheran Church, once located on the southeast corner of Church Avenue and 2nd Street. Though this building no longer stands, Greene Memorial United Methodist Church is now located on the site.

Davis 22.22 Greene Memorial UMC.jpg
Greene Memorial United Methodist Church, located at 402 2nd Street SW.

Davis 22.21 Greene Memorial UMC.jpg
Greene Memorial United Methodist Church, located at 402 2nd Street SW.

Davis 22.2 Greene Memorial UMC.jpg
Greene Memorial United Methodist Church, located at 402 2nd Street SW.

Creasy8 Church Avenue.jpg
Looking east on Church Avenue at 2nd Street. The old YMCA building is seen on the left and Greene Memorial United Methodist on the right.
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