Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

Browse Items (11 total)

CS 196.1.jpg
Tracy Broady is 5th girl from left.

CS 188.jpg
Unknown school play, possibly on American history

CS 069.1.jpg
Unknown school play or student performance

CS 057.6.jpg
Harrison Elementary School faculty Halloween costume portrait

CS 057.4.jpg
Harrison Elementary School costume party

PS 108 Last Supper.jpg
Reenactment of the Last Supper at Greene Memorial United Methodist Church.

Play at Poages Mill Church of the Brethren; L to R: Eddy Grisso, Curt Mowles, Norvell Hurt, Dick Agee, Daisy Long

Davis 55.62f Norfolk & Western Play.jpg
Employee-actors of Norfolk and Western

Davis 55.62e Norfolk & Western Play.jpg
Stage play performed by Norfolk and Western employees.

Davis 55.62d Norfolk & Western Play.jpg
Employee-actors of Norfolk and Western

Davis 55.62c Norfolk & Western Play.jpg
Stage play performed by Norfolk and Western employees.
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