Virginia Room Digital Collection


The Virginia Room Digital Collection includes photographs, oral histories, books, pamphlets and finding aids to items in the Virginia Room. Continue to check back for new additions.

Browse Items (10 total)

Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Rierson 50th Wedding Anniversary photo.

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Roanoke Transportation Museum float in the Roanoke Centennial Parade.

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Marines reenact the raising of the American Flag at Iwo Jima in the Roanoke Centennial Parade.

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Replica 1892 Heironimus float in the Roanoke Centennial Parade.

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Crowds line Jefferson Street for the Roanoke Centennial Parade.

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Contents are placed into the time capsule in front of the Main Library during the Diamond Jubilee Time Capsule Ceremony. The time capsule is not to be opened until 2032 for Roanoke's 150th Anniversary.

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Contents are placed into the time capsule in front of the Main Library during the Diamond Jubilee Time Capsule Ceremony. The time capsule is not to be opened until 2032 for Roanoke's 150th Anniversary. Claude Settlemire, City Librarian, on left.

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Spectators gather in front of the Municipal Building on Campbell Avenue to watch the Golden Jubilee parade.

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Roanoke's Diamond Jubilee celebration kicks off at the 1915 municipal building.

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Cutting the birthday cake during Roanoke's Diamond Jubilee are Miss Diamond Jubilee, Barbara Boitnott, Mayor Walter L. Young and Miss Shenandoah Valley, Edwina Wertz.
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